- Do NOT rinse out your mouth today and avoid interfering with the extraction/surgery site as this will cause bleeding).
- Do NOT drink alcohol today (this will cause bleeding also).
- Do NOT smoke for as long as possible following surgery. Restrict smoking for 2 weeks post-operatively.
- You can eat and drink in about two hours once the numbness has completely wore off.
- If you have only had an extraction/surgery on one side of your mouth then eat as normal avoiding that side.
- If extractions/surgery has been performed on both sides then for the next few days put yourself on a soft diet e.g. pasta, mashed potatoes, soup, scrambled eggs, smoothies, noodles, ice cream, yoghurt etc. This will prevent any damage to the site of surgery and reduce pain.
- Your stitches may be resorbable, if so they will take two weeks to dissolve. If they are not resorbable they will need to be removed in about a week by your dentist.
- Use of ice-packs or a bag of frozen vegetables will help reduce post operative swelling. Use this for up to two days following surgery.
- If bleeding occurs, roll a gauze swab or clean handkerchief and place it over the wound and apply firm pressure with your fingers or by biting firmly for 20 minutes.
- A slight ooze of blood from the wound is normal for some hours after the surgery/extraction, especially with eating.
- Commencing tomorrow, or 12 hours after your extraction, carry out warm salt water rinses (1⁄2 a teaspoon of salt mixed in a glass of warm water). Rinse gentle for 1 minute then spit out, repeating it four times a day for a week. Also rinse with Savacol mouthwash for 1 minute, morning and evening, for a week.